Friday, September 19, 2014

Listening Journal #3

Paradise - Coldplay

Texture: Polyphonic

Timbre: Aerophone (Human Voice), Electranophone, Membranophone (Drums), Chordophone (Piano, Guitar, Violin) Ideophone (Bells or maybe the triangle)

Meter: 4/4 (Duple Simple)

Tempo: Adagio (It has a slow tempo)

I'm not sure if Paradise has syncopation or not. It certainly sounds like there are accents on the DA DA DA DADA DA DA DA DA part, but it is hard to tell.

* Here is the sheet music to Paradise below *

1 comment:

  1. Definitely some syncopation - look at the bass line on the bottom system of the sheet music. Lot's of the notes are on weak beats or off beats, and lots of rhythms tie through the first beat of the measure, which means the strong downbeat is being DE-emphasized. Great example of syncopation.
